Our Approach and Assessment
Our Intent
At River View, we have designed, organised and planned an engaging curriculum that ties into the uniqueness of our children, ensuring they develop a love of learning and gain essential skills for their future. We have personalised our curriculum to ensure that we embrace our local area and its vibrant resources .
This enables our children to use and apply their skills and understanding in all areas of the curriculum, building in opportunities for repetition and practice. By doing this, we are able to focus on the necessary knowledge, skills, reasoning and learning behaviours required to prepare all of our children for the next step of their education in Key Stage 1.
Our EYFS curriculum aims to teach all children the skills and knowledge in order that they reach the 17 Early Learning Goals. We teach through a range of teaching methods, including whole class teaching, small groups, child-initiated learning, investigations and problem solving together and independently. Many activities are play based; however there is a need for direct teacher-led activities to ensure children gain essential knowledge, skills and language from their teacher.
Assessment in EYFS
Assessment in EYFS is an ongoing process. We continually observe, talk to and listen to children to know exactly what their next steps in learning are. We plan our activities throughout the year to support individual’s stages of development.
The government requires all reception children to complete a baseline assessment within 6 weeks of starting a reception class.
Here is a link that explains what the assessment involves.
Teachers track all children’s achievements throughout the year and will put interventions in place if a child needs extra help. Parents will be involved in this process.
At the end of the reception year we have a statutory duty to complete the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile on every reception child. This involves teachers making an informed decision as to whether or not each child has met the expected level of development for each of the 17 Early Learning Goals. There are no formal assessments for children to complete, information comes from observations and teachers’ knowledge of your child’s abilities throughout the year. Results of the EYFS Profile will be reported to parents in the summer reports.
Here is a link to the EYFS Framework;
We want the children of River View to leave EYFS as well round young children with a thirst for learning. We want them to achieve the Early Learning Goals in all areas and to be well prepared to start their learning journey in Y1.