Reading plays a vital role in the development and education of your child. At River View we ensure that children have lots of opportunities to read in lots of different contexts.
In the Early Years and Key Stage 1 we deliver a consistent approach to phonics using a programme called ReadWrite Inc. Every child in EYFS and Key Stage 1 works through the programme to help them decode (sound out) words that they read and spell. Reading is linked into understanding what they have read and also links into short writing activities. We also use other resources to boost your child's phonic skills - One-to-One Tutoring; Toe-by-Toe; Small group work and intervention activities. Teachers will always keep you informed if your child is having additional support.
Reading schemes
Children read through a set of book banded books. Each colour in the book band is a different level. We do not subscribe to a specific reading scheme. We provide a diet and range of books at different levels within a book band. The children know which book band they are working at and recognise the book band that they are working towards.
Free Readers
At River View, we are keen for children to make choices about books and in Key Stage 2 children have the opportunity to choose their own books to read in class or take home. This encourages the children to find their favourite author or genre that they can share with each other and at home.
Opportunities for reading
Children also read regularly in other areas of the curriculum and in other parts of the school day through:
The daily reading lesson - Lessons are planned to support the children's reading skills. These daily lessons focus on key skills of comprehension using a range of texts, question types and collaborative working. The children are taught the key skills that support the reading curriculum for their particular age group and ensure the children are well-prepared for the challenges of the next steps in their education; including SATs. These sessions allow the opportuity for staff to work with small groups and whole classes to teach the skills of reading.
Let's Read! - Across the school, children read independently to promote positive reading habits. We have set aside time in the timetable to read. Every Friday afternoon, children and staff read their own choice of books to promote independent reading and encourage us all to focus on our own enjoyment of reading.
Reading Across the Curriculum - Across the school, children read a range of books linked to other areas of their learning.
Storytime - Storytime happens across the school and in a number of different ways. In EYFS, children share a story and often use this as a basis for their speaking and listening skills. In Key Stage 1, books are read to children for them to hear good examples of reading aloud and to develop an enthusiasm for reading books themselves. Class books are shared with children in Key Stage 2, where they read along with the teacher.
The Reading Race is our latest inititative to encourage the children to read regularly at home. Staff check the reading records daily and record the weekly outcome for their class. Every child is counted towards a class result which goes into the reading race against all the other classes in school. Each week the results are announced in assembly and children in the winning class at the end of each half term receive a whole class reward!
We continually strive to promote a love of reading to ensure that children are ready for the next stages in their learning. Watch out for the new things that are happening around school to help your child to read.