
Who are the governors at River View?


Name of Governor
Governor Role
Mr M Thorpe Chair of Governors and LA Governor
Ms G Evans Co-Opted Governor
Mr D Gauld Headteacher
Miss C Yeoman Staff Governor
Mrs R Nadeem Parent Governor
Mrs L Gregory Associate Governor
Miss D Kent Vice Chair and Parent Governor
The Revd Canon Falak Sher Co-Opted Governor


Register of personal, pecuniary or business interests

All the governors and associate members of River View Primary School listed above have signed the Register of personal, pecuniary or business interests.

Name  Term of office Governor Type Specific roles on the GB Committee Membership Signed the register Details of any conflicting interest Governor at another school 
Mr Daniel Gauld 

From: Oct 2015

To: date

Staff Headteacher 

Governing BoardStanding Committees (with the exception of the staffing committees)

Finance Committee 

Yes None Yes 
Mrs Glynis Evans

From: Oct 2023

To: Oct 2027



Safeguarding Governor

Governing Board 

Standing Committees

Yes None No
Mr Mike Thorpe 

From: Jul 2016

To: Jul 2024

Community Chair of Governors

Governing Board 

Standing Committees

Finance Committee

 Yes  None No
Mrs Linda Gregory

From: Jun 2016

To: Jun 2024

Associate Member   

Governing Board 

Finance Committee 

Yes None No
Miss Chloe Yeoman 

From: Jan 2023

To: Jan 2027


Governing Board 

Standing Committees


Yes None No
Miss Deborah Kent


Dec 2020


Dec 2024 

Parent  Vice- Chair

Governing Board

Standing Committees

Finance Committee

Yes None  No
The Revd Canon Falak Sher


Dec 2021


Dec 2025

Community (Co-Opted)  

Governing Board

Standing Committees

Finance Committee

Yes   None No
Mr Rimsha Nadeem


Jan 2024


Jan 2028


Governing Board

Standing Committees

 Yes  None No


This is a declaration of any personal or business interest they or any relative or person closely connected with them, have with businesses or other organisations that may have dealings with the school. This could for example include owning or having a relative work for a business that had dealings with school; having a relative working in or for school or being a governor of another school.

If any interest a governor has could be seen to cause a conflict of interest they would be asked to withdraw from any decision making concerned. This is to ensure that our governors can always be seen to be putting the interest of the school first.

If there is a potential conflict it is shown in the Register document. This document also shows the category of governor each person is, any specific role on the governing board and the committees they are members of.

More information about the requirements to complete and sign the Register of personal, pecuniary or business interests can be found on Salford City Council’s Governor Services web pages where you will also find the links to all the other local authority’s (LA) governing bodies’ personal, pecuniary or business interests registers.


Categories of Governors

The different categories of governors on our governing board are:


  • parent governors who have a child in school at the time of their election, and are elected by the parents with children at the school; 
  • staff governors who are members of staff at the school and are elected by their colleagues;
  • co-opted governors are appointed on to the governing board by the other members because they come from a specialist group, such as the business community or because they possess a particular skill which can contribute to the effective governance and success of the school;
  • local authority(LA) governors who are nominated by the local councillor and appointed by the governing board;
  • the Headteacher (HT) is also a member of the governing board by right of the position they hold in the school;
  • associate members are not actually governors but can be appointed to serve on committees and attend meetings of the full governing board. They do not have the right to vote at meetings of the full governing board but may been given voting rightson the committees that they are a member of, but these rights can only be given by the governing board.

 Attendance and Governing Board meetings 2022/2023 

    Autumn  FGB 1 Autumn FGB  2 Spring FGB 1 Spring FGB 2 Summer FGB 1 Summer FGB 2
  Governor Type 30.09.2022 02.12.2022 03.02.2023 24.03.2023 12.05.2023 07.07.2023
Ms Glynis Evans Co-opted governor Y Y Y Y Y Y
Ms Joanne Formosa Staff governor Y Y        
Mr Daniel Gauld Headteacher Y Y N Y Y Y
Miss Deborah Kent Parent governor Y Y Y Y Y Y
Miss Chloe Yeoman Staff governor      Y  Y  Y  Y
Mr Mike Thorpe LA governor Y Y Y Y N Y
Mrs Luca Urban Parent governor Y Y N Y Y Y
The Revd Canon Falak Sher Co-opted governor  Y Y Y N Y Y

 Attendance Governor Finance Meetings 2022/2023 

    Autumn Finance Meeting Spring Finance Meeting Summer Finance Meeting
  Governor Type  28.11.2022 13.02.2023 12.06.2023
Daniel Gauld Headteacher Y Y Y
Joanne Formosa Staff Y    
Mike Thorpe Local Authority Y Y N
Linda Gregory Associate  Y Y Y
Deborah Kent Parent Y Y  Y
The Revd Canon Falak Sher Co-opted Y Y Y

Attendance & Governing Board Meetings 2023/2024

    Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
  Governor Type 29/09/2023 01/12/2023 02/02/2024 22/03/2024 10/05/2024 05/07/2024
Glynis Evans Co-opted Y Y Y Y  Y  
Daniel Gauld Head Teacher Y Y Y y  Y  
Deborah Kent Parent Y Y Y Y  Y  
Rimsha Nadeem Parent     Y Y  Y  
The Revd Canon Falak Sher Co-opted NS Y NS NS  Y  
Mike Thorpe Local Authority N Y Y Y  Y  
Luca Urban Parent N N        
Chloe Yeoman Staff Y Y Y Y  Y  

Attendance Governor Finance Committee Meeting 2023/2024

    Autumn Finance Meeting Spring Finance Meeting Summer Finance Meeting
  Governor Type  20/11/2022 12/02/2024  17/06/2024
Daniel Gauld Head Teacher Y  Y  
Mike Thorpe Local Authority Y  N  
Deborah Kent Parent Y  Y  
The Revd Father Falak Sher Co-opted Y  N  
Linda Gregory Associate Y  Y  

Y=Attended, N=Apologies Accepted, NA=Apologies not Accepted, NS=No Apologies Sent, Blank=Not Requited


The different committees our governing board has are:


Governing Board


  • Members as above


Finance Committee


  • Mr M Thorpe - Chair
  • Mr D Gauld 
  • Mrs L Gregory (Associate member - Director of Business & Operations) 
  • Ms D Kent
  • Father Falak


The standing committees are as follows:


  • Head Teacher Appraisal
  • Parental Complaints
  • Staff Discipline
  • Pupil Discipline
  • Staffing appeals


The standing committees are convened as required and are formed with members of the Governing Board.

The Governing Board meets twice a term to receive information about school. Contact with members of the Governing Board  should be made through the school office. Thank you.

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