Attendance & Punctuality

At River View, we are keen to make sure your children are in school everyday and on time.

Our annual target for attendance is 96.7% and it is important to be in school on time. 

Children have received gold, silver and bronze badges for their attendance. They receive a certificate and a badge presented to them in celebration assembly at the end of half term. The children can wear their badges as part of their uniform so that all the staff know what the child's attendance is.

Please use this table to help you work out your child's attendance or come to the school office where we can discuss your child's attendance with you. Thank you.


Badges Percentage attendance
Gold 100%
Silver 98% - 99%
Bronze 96% - 97%
Days Off Days in School Attendance
0 day 57 days  100%
1/2 day 56.5 days  99.1%
1 day 56 days  98.2%
1 1/2 days 55.5 days   97.4%
2 days 55 days  96.5%


We are now focusing on children's punctuality. Children need to be in school at the beginning of the school day to ensure that they are ready for learning. This is the most important element of their school routine to make sure they do not miss the beginning of their lessons and feel confident in the classroom. Children arriving after 8:50 MUST come into school via the main reception. Children are marked in the registers as late if they arrive after 9:00am.

If a child is late they must report to the desk in the entrance hall and sign in using the Inventry system at the office. 

Please see following link from the Department of Education regarding new rules on what you need to know about fines for parents for taking their children out of school. 

Penalty Notice information

Work hard, show respect & be a good citizen