New Starters Information
Welcome to River View Primary School. We are delighted that you have chosen our school. We take pride in our school achievements and the foundation that we build for your child and their education. We set ourselves high expectations for our children to succeed. We look forward to meeting your child and intend that your child will thrive in our enriched environment.
If you have any questions about starting at River View, please contact the school office on 0161 921 2670.
River View App
Please make sure that you download Parent apps connect onto your mobile device. An invitation will be sent either via SMS or email from the school office once your child joins River View.
The app provides instant access to term dates, events, letters, consent forms and the ability to report your child's absence plus many more features.
The app is used to send messages and notifications directly to all users that have downloaded the app.
Please make sure that you agree to receive push notifications and allow all location services to receive messages.